四目相投,death air,尷尬,歌又未輪到的我選的,只好亂找些東西聊。我對她做甚麼,有甚麼興趣,其實甚麼興趣也沒有。不過,還算是個樣貌娟好的女子,也隨便答幾句吧。啊啊啊你做邊行?
國際會計師事務所及律師事務所在倫敦及紐約辦公室很多都不在市中心的黃金地段。羅兵咸永道、安永的倫敦辦公室在泰晤士河南岸,傳統上一不是商業區,二並不是一線的市中心地帶。花旗 - 及後來搬進來的高盛 - 紐約總部位於TriBeCa,在80年代時肯定不是紐約的中環,而是破舊的工業區。摩根士丹利及巴克萊的總部位於時代廣場,地點像銅鑼灣多於金鐘。但這些公司的辦公室寬趟舒適,有優質飯堂、咖啡館、gym,當地員工肯定比香港的同事開心。我認識的紐約專業人士,沒有一個會以自己在華爾街上班為榮。大家拼的是公司的實力及福利。
原載在 Education Post: 中環的光環
Secrets to a successful career switch
Most MBA holders, myself included, took career and financial risks in deciding to take a two-year, full-time programme because they were unsatisfied with the path they were on. Some yearned for a better career in a different industry. Others were driven more by the prospect of pay rises and promotions in their current sector.
For the “career switcher”, an MBA seems to offer the best chance of starting somewhere else with a clean slate – but not at the bottom of the ladder. After all, many schools brag about their success in placing career switchers with leading corporations, consulting firms and investment banks. Every year, there are probably thousands of such stories of top business schools helping students achieve this goal - and I have heard quite a few of them in person.
A few of my classmates are now management consultants with the best known firms. Before the MBA, they were high school teachers, specialising in mathematics, science and English. They had no prior background in business, but are now advising senior executives and board-level directors of some of the world’s most successful multinationals. Their career switch has been dramatic and successful, showing just what a good business degree can help you achieve. The MBA has transformed their careers, but my own encounters with them showed that it takes something extra to actually do it.
Following the curriculum and duly completing your assignments will, at best, only get you an average grade at a leading business school. In the first two terms, the distinctions and accolades usually go to those with prior business experience. So, if your main goal is to switch career, a relevant summer internship is generally a pre-requisite. Since preparations and applications for these usually begin during the first term, there is little time to play catch-up. And the truth is that students with business experience and top grades have a much better chance of getting the best internships and – later – the best jobs.
For my friends to win through, it took diligence. Before accepting their MBA offers, they did extensive research on each school’s student profiles and were well aware of the competition among classmates for each type of job. Some rejected offers from higher-ranked schools on the grounds that their chances of getting into a dream job from there would be so small. Long before classes started, they read the leading financial journals to familiarise themselves with the latest business trends and concepts. They also networked with alumni in their preferred industry and learned how best to prepare for job interviews. These individuals also took the time to study consulting cases and see how they worked. Then, when it came to recruitment season, they knew all about the analytical frameworks and were able to ace their interviews with a show of real confidence.
Their success can be put down to the Boy Scout motto: be prepared. You would be surprised to learn how many people at highly rated universities miss out on opportunities because of complacency and over-confidence. By being proactive and preparing well, you will end up ahead of them and ahead of the curve.
Originally posted on Education Post.
For the “career switcher”, an MBA seems to offer the best chance of starting somewhere else with a clean slate – but not at the bottom of the ladder. After all, many schools brag about their success in placing career switchers with leading corporations, consulting firms and investment banks. Every year, there are probably thousands of such stories of top business schools helping students achieve this goal - and I have heard quite a few of them in person.
A few of my classmates are now management consultants with the best known firms. Before the MBA, they were high school teachers, specialising in mathematics, science and English. They had no prior background in business, but are now advising senior executives and board-level directors of some of the world’s most successful multinationals. Their career switch has been dramatic and successful, showing just what a good business degree can help you achieve. The MBA has transformed their careers, but my own encounters with them showed that it takes something extra to actually do it.
Following the curriculum and duly completing your assignments will, at best, only get you an average grade at a leading business school. In the first two terms, the distinctions and accolades usually go to those with prior business experience. So, if your main goal is to switch career, a relevant summer internship is generally a pre-requisite. Since preparations and applications for these usually begin during the first term, there is little time to play catch-up. And the truth is that students with business experience and top grades have a much better chance of getting the best internships and – later – the best jobs.
For my friends to win through, it took diligence. Before accepting their MBA offers, they did extensive research on each school’s student profiles and were well aware of the competition among classmates for each type of job. Some rejected offers from higher-ranked schools on the grounds that their chances of getting into a dream job from there would be so small. Long before classes started, they read the leading financial journals to familiarise themselves with the latest business trends and concepts. They also networked with alumni in their preferred industry and learned how best to prepare for job interviews. These individuals also took the time to study consulting cases and see how they worked. Then, when it came to recruitment season, they knew all about the analytical frameworks and were able to ace their interviews with a show of real confidence.
Their success can be put down to the Boy Scout motto: be prepared. You would be surprised to learn how many people at highly rated universities miss out on opportunities because of complacency and over-confidence. By being proactive and preparing well, you will end up ahead of them and ahead of the curve.
Originally posted on Education Post.
在各大會計師樓,剛畢業進審計行業的初級審計員一般被戲稱為「小朋友」。相對大學的其他同學,在會計師樓工作的「小朋友」的工資低、工時長、壓力大,亦沒有什麼job envy及榮譽可言。如果跟舊同學吃飯,聊起近況,當你聽到你的朋友滿懷不憤,投訴自己懷才不遇,bonus 只有三十多萬,其他同事有四十多萬的時候,你怎樣跟他說自己的一年賺不到20萬的際遇?
大家都說,當審計可以學會計。我認為,會計哪裡都可以學。大行ibanker分析員都懂一般的會計。但你問問他們,如要請秘書、茶水阿姨要出多少錢,怎樣才是好的買賣合約條款,airway bill 的terms 怎樣看,在怎樣開香港及BVI公司,甚至一程地鐵巴士的價錢,十個有九「中環才俊」個答不上。上心地做一年審計的「小朋友」肯定知道答案。
原載在 Education Post: 初級審計員歲月
在各大會計師樓,剛畢業進審計行業的初級審計員一般被戲稱為「小朋友」。相對大學的其他同學,在會計師樓工作的「小朋友」的工資低、工時長、壓力大,亦沒有什麼job envy及榮譽可言。如果跟舊同學吃飯,聊起近況,當你聽到你的朋友滿懷不憤,投訴自己懷才不遇,bonus 只有三十多萬,其他同事有四十多萬的時候,你怎樣跟他說自己的一年賺不到20萬的際遇?
大家都說,當審計可以學會計。我認為,會計哪裡都可以學。大行ibanker分析員都懂一般的會計。但你問問他們,如要請秘書、茶水阿姨要出多少錢,怎樣才是好的買賣合約條款,airway bill 的terms 怎樣看,在怎樣開香港及BVI公司,甚至一程地鐵巴士的價錢,十個有九「中環才俊」個答不上。上心地做一年審計的「小朋友」肯定知道答案。
原載在 Education Post: 初級審計員歲月
The reinvention of business school
The ultimate yardstick for measuring your success in business is, of course, your business. Since their establishment, business schools have successfully trained generations of MBAs who have gone on to become successful C-suite executives, partners of management consulting firms, managing directors of investment banks and fund managers. However, very few have businesses of their own. MBAs are mostly good managers, but not all are entrepreneurs or business magnates. They are successful climbers of corporate ladders, but not rock stars who can bring disruptive forces that change businesses for the better. Business schools do not have a good record in training entrepreneurs or picking winners.
In this regard, business schools and business education are an embarrassing disappointment.
It is tempting to resort to the wisdom of the age - “A students teach; B students work for C students.” There is some truth in this, but in the age of knowledge, this may no longer be as relevant. Before Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard College he was on track to graduate magna cum laude. The founders of Google and Yahoo dropped out of their schools to found their companies, but they were in the PhD programme at Stanford University, working on a groundbreaking discovery that yielded unlimited commercial potential. They are highly educated and business-savvy, but there is no trace of business school education on their résumés.
Nonetheless, to say that business knowledge is less important than technological breakthroughs could not be further from the truth. It is generally believed that the first decline of Apple in the late 1980s and 1990s was attributable to the ousting of Steve Jobs engineered by John Sculley, a seasoned executive Jobs had recruited from PepsiCo. But contrary to popular belief, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple and designer of the legendary Apple II computer, actually attributed the success of later generations of Apple computers to the skills of senior managers such as Sculley. Business education, therefore, should be as important to executives, if not more important, than technical expertise.
The questions are: where do these entrepreneurs receive their business education, and who are their professors? There is a limit as to what anyone can achieve by their own reading. The vacuum can be easily filled by venture capitalists who invest in entrepreneurs, providing them with capital, advice and coaching. Mike Markkula provided Steve Jobs and his team with much-needed guidance when Apple was in its infancy. Peter Thiel and Sean Parker were early advisers to Mark Zuckerberg. The gold standard of MBA education, a two-year full-time programme, may be too time-consuming and inflexible to meet the needs of up and coming business stars.
In order to remain relevant, business schools are reinventing themselves. Some offer more flexible means of delivery, such as online or part-time programmes. European schools are well-known for their one-year programmes. But top business schools are reluctant to revamp their two-year MBA programmes. Despite this, they do incorporate elements of entrepreneurship in their education, push students into joining start-ups, and expand their short-term executive training offerings.
If you are pretty sure you are not going to start your own business, why should the re-positioning of business schools be relevant to you? Firstly, the ability of business professors to respond to emerging business trends reflects their business acumen. Secondly, as I argued in my previous article, your network may be the most important asset you can acquire at business school. Even if you are not Mark Zuckerberg you may meet the next Zuckerberg at business school, and you could be the next Eduardo Saverin.
Originally posted on Education Post.
In this regard, business schools and business education are an embarrassing disappointment.
It is tempting to resort to the wisdom of the age - “A students teach; B students work for C students.” There is some truth in this, but in the age of knowledge, this may no longer be as relevant. Before Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard College he was on track to graduate magna cum laude. The founders of Google and Yahoo dropped out of their schools to found their companies, but they were in the PhD programme at Stanford University, working on a groundbreaking discovery that yielded unlimited commercial potential. They are highly educated and business-savvy, but there is no trace of business school education on their résumés.
Nonetheless, to say that business knowledge is less important than technological breakthroughs could not be further from the truth. It is generally believed that the first decline of Apple in the late 1980s and 1990s was attributable to the ousting of Steve Jobs engineered by John Sculley, a seasoned executive Jobs had recruited from PepsiCo. But contrary to popular belief, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple and designer of the legendary Apple II computer, actually attributed the success of later generations of Apple computers to the skills of senior managers such as Sculley. Business education, therefore, should be as important to executives, if not more important, than technical expertise.
The questions are: where do these entrepreneurs receive their business education, and who are their professors? There is a limit as to what anyone can achieve by their own reading. The vacuum can be easily filled by venture capitalists who invest in entrepreneurs, providing them with capital, advice and coaching. Mike Markkula provided Steve Jobs and his team with much-needed guidance when Apple was in its infancy. Peter Thiel and Sean Parker were early advisers to Mark Zuckerberg. The gold standard of MBA education, a two-year full-time programme, may be too time-consuming and inflexible to meet the needs of up and coming business stars.
In order to remain relevant, business schools are reinventing themselves. Some offer more flexible means of delivery, such as online or part-time programmes. European schools are well-known for their one-year programmes. But top business schools are reluctant to revamp their two-year MBA programmes. Despite this, they do incorporate elements of entrepreneurship in their education, push students into joining start-ups, and expand their short-term executive training offerings.
If you are pretty sure you are not going to start your own business, why should the re-positioning of business schools be relevant to you? Firstly, the ability of business professors to respond to emerging business trends reflects their business acumen. Secondly, as I argued in my previous article, your network may be the most important asset you can acquire at business school. Even if you are not Mark Zuckerberg you may meet the next Zuckerberg at business school, and you could be the next Eduardo Saverin.
Originally posted on Education Post.
Understand what an admissions team wants to see
Every year, thousands of deserving candidates apply to top MBA programmes –and are rejected. This year, for instance, Harvard Business School only admitted 12 per cent of applicants, the majority of whom are highly accomplished by any standards. This number is typical of all leading schools, so if you aim to attend a first-rate programme, you have to find a way to stand out from other applicants.
The obvious answer is to be among the best and the brightest in every area the admissions committee looks at. Having a magna cum laude AB from Harvard College and a few years’ experience at McKinsey or Goldman Sachs immediately catches the eye. So does a BS from Caltech and founding a successful start-up. However, the very reason most professionals want an MBA is because they don’t yet have such accomplishments on their CV.
Realistically, nothing can be done about an undergraduate GPA (grade point average) or a first job out of college. However, you do have a greater degree of control over the remaining parts or your business school application – the reference letter, essays, and GMAT score. In fact, I know of a few candidates who have impressed admissions committee with an outstanding GMAT score.
Usually, they spent a substantial amount of time preparing for the GMAT and other forms of standardised test. I have even read of some applicants quitting their jobs just to prepare for the test and add an extra 10 or 20 points to their total score. In my view, though, this type of dedication is misplaced.
My rationale is that trying to improve a GMAT score which may already be in the top 4 per cent overall, there is a diminishing marginal return on time invested. Most top schools accept candidates with scores in the range of 680 to 760 – out of a maximum 800. So, if you have achieved a fairly good GMAT score, it is more important to spend time crafting your application essays and coaching your referee to emphasise the right things.
The GMAT is important, but it is one-dimensional. It shows how smart you are, but in business school, as in the real world, being smart can only get you so far. Good essays give more colour, revealing other talents and aspects of your personality.
The primary goal of these essays is to let the admissions committee know who you are and where you want to go to. You should be answering the implicit questions why this business school and why you. When I wrote application essays, I kept thinking about how best to demonstrate the “why me”, while ensuring the essay was interesting to read and would hold the attention for a few minutes. The easiest mistake is to jump right in and take the set question at face value. Instead, you should think long and hard about what the admissions committee is really asking. Knowing what they want will help you tick more boxes on their scorecard.
Originally posted on Education Post.
The obvious answer is to be among the best and the brightest in every area the admissions committee looks at. Having a magna cum laude AB from Harvard College and a few years’ experience at McKinsey or Goldman Sachs immediately catches the eye. So does a BS from Caltech and founding a successful start-up. However, the very reason most professionals want an MBA is because they don’t yet have such accomplishments on their CV.
Realistically, nothing can be done about an undergraduate GPA (grade point average) or a first job out of college. However, you do have a greater degree of control over the remaining parts or your business school application – the reference letter, essays, and GMAT score. In fact, I know of a few candidates who have impressed admissions committee with an outstanding GMAT score.
Usually, they spent a substantial amount of time preparing for the GMAT and other forms of standardised test. I have even read of some applicants quitting their jobs just to prepare for the test and add an extra 10 or 20 points to their total score. In my view, though, this type of dedication is misplaced.
My rationale is that trying to improve a GMAT score which may already be in the top 4 per cent overall, there is a diminishing marginal return on time invested. Most top schools accept candidates with scores in the range of 680 to 760 – out of a maximum 800. So, if you have achieved a fairly good GMAT score, it is more important to spend time crafting your application essays and coaching your referee to emphasise the right things.
The GMAT is important, but it is one-dimensional. It shows how smart you are, but in business school, as in the real world, being smart can only get you so far. Good essays give more colour, revealing other talents and aspects of your personality.
The primary goal of these essays is to let the admissions committee know who you are and where you want to go to. You should be answering the implicit questions why this business school and why you. When I wrote application essays, I kept thinking about how best to demonstrate the “why me”, while ensuring the essay was interesting to read and would hold the attention for a few minutes. The easiest mistake is to jump right in and take the set question at face value. Instead, you should think long and hard about what the admissions committee is really asking. Knowing what they want will help you tick more boxes on their scorecard.
Originally posted on Education Post.
當我剛剛出道的時候,會計師公會(Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants)的英文還是Hong Kong Society of Accountants。我跟同期的朋友笑稱,香港沒有會計師「工會」,只有「會計師商會」及「Society of Big4 Accountants」。 之後,理論上代表會員利益的會計師公會竟然跟會計界一人一票選出來的議員譚香文打了一場非常無聊的官司。當然,會計師是永遠不用負責的,輸了幾百萬律師費後,公會沒有人要負責。Business as usual。
誠然,非執業會計師才是會計師公會佔比重最大的會員類別,審計師主要服務的亦是非執業會計師及大眾。因此,會計師公會應平衡執業跟非執業會計師的利益,而非一面倒向大會計師行傾斜。我的一位教授曾為Enron作顧問。他說,當年他對Enron的各種會計手法有極大的保留,並向董事局提出疑問。董事的回覆倒也簡單:五大的安達信、國際律師行及投行都看過安排,都沒有問題了,你不用擔心。結果?公司多位高層飽受牢之災。安達信雖然倒下來了,但上訴得值。坦白說,所有CFO及Financial Controller也有無心之失,有「睇漏眼」的時候,但「洗」你錢的會計師就沒有法律後果,公平嗎?
成功做空Enron及美國銀行業而成名的沖基金經理James Chanos說過,所有大型會計醜聞必定有各大會計師及律師事務所參與。最近證監會出手凍結帳目有問題的群星紙業的資金。群星上市至今的審計師是誰?又是畢馬威KPMG。出手的,又是證監會,又再一次不是會計師公會。保薦人高度依賴審計師的工作。爆鑊後,保薦人被證監會罰款、停牌。但審計師有後果嗎?
當然,保薦人被證監會罰款的原因並只因為爆鑊,而是因為保薦人「放飛機」。如果功夫做足,依足守則,客戶爆鑊亦無畏調查吧。雷曼倒閉時,不是有調查其會計手法嗎?最後世上最積極的檢控當局不是要放棄檢控安永?上週,我的朋友在facebook 登載了有趣的status。他說,審計員找他討論財務資料前已把working paper已填得滿滿了。不是「放飛機」,是什麼?客戶也可以看出審計師「放飛機」,什麼審計經理及合夥人看不出?
原載在 Education Post: 把關不力,改革刻不容緩
誠然,非執業會計師才是會計師公會佔比重最大的會員類別,審計師主要服務的亦是非執業會計師及大眾。因此,會計師公會應平衡執業跟非執業會計師的利益,而非一面倒向大會計師行傾斜。我的一位教授曾為Enron作顧問。他說,當年他對Enron的各種會計手法有極大的保留,並向董事局提出疑問。董事的回覆倒也簡單:五大的安達信、國際律師行及投行都看過安排,都沒有問題了,你不用擔心。結果?公司多位高層飽受牢之災。安達信雖然倒下來了,但上訴得值。坦白說,所有CFO及Financial Controller也有無心之失,有「睇漏眼」的時候,但「洗」你錢的會計師就沒有法律後果,公平嗎?
成功做空Enron及美國銀行業而成名的沖基金經理James Chanos說過,所有大型會計醜聞必定有各大會計師及律師事務所參與。最近證監會出手凍結帳目有問題的群星紙業的資金。群星上市至今的審計師是誰?又是畢馬威KPMG。出手的,又是證監會,又再一次不是會計師公會。保薦人高度依賴審計師的工作。爆鑊後,保薦人被證監會罰款、停牌。但審計師有後果嗎?
當然,保薦人被證監會罰款的原因並只因為爆鑊,而是因為保薦人「放飛機」。如果功夫做足,依足守則,客戶爆鑊亦無畏調查吧。雷曼倒閉時,不是有調查其會計手法嗎?最後世上最積極的檢控當局不是要放棄檢控安永?上週,我的朋友在facebook 登載了有趣的status。他說,審計員找他討論財務資料前已把working paper已填得滿滿了。不是「放飛機」,是什麼?客戶也可以看出審計師「放飛機」,什麼審計經理及合夥人看不出?
原載在 Education Post: 把關不力,改革刻不容緩
龔及鄭二人,分別在《見棺材還未流眼淚》及《開天殺價 落地還錢》聲討「將來的fit and proper的登記要求」。曉以大義,動之以情,我差點兒被他們感動了,直至到我想起,fit and proper一直都是登記做會計師的基本要求。不信?公會的網站清楚寫明:Any person seeking the Institute's membership must satisfy the Institute that he or she is a fit and proper person to be a certified public accountant。
龔指諮詢是「無知、無心、無腦」。但做會計師最基本的要求都搞錯,不知道龔及鄭是「 無知」、「無心」還是「無腦」?其實,如果有心看諮詢文件,一定會看到FRC無意改變現有會計師公會的fit and proper標準(現有公會的標準在這裡)。因此,龔及鄭就反對登記的論據自然全部站不住腳。是龔及鄭是有心歪曲事實,還是沒有時間看文件,我就不知道了。
另外,龔又指「劵商的工作有明文規定,只要跟足字面要求,就可以守法安心。核數師做的工作,是根據一些虛無縹緲的指引,並按照自己判斷行事。」事實又是否如此簡單?不要忘記,證監負責監管企業融資活動及投資銀行。保薦人的盡職調查、招股書的質素等難道不是「根據一些虛無縹緲的指引,並按照自己判斷行事」?證監怎樣判斷劵商有沒有違規銷售,怎樣監管俗稱「炒房」的自營交易部門?龔耀輝曾任企業融資顧問,應該明白證監及港交所上市科如何根據指引及規則而作出服眾的判斷。Listing Decision及Takeovers Bulletin公開透明,引經據典,分析合理。就算當事人不服,亦不會在黑箱拖足10年。
Excuse me? 以前,做保薦人不另收費的投行比比皆是,用龔耀輝的邏輯,那違規是否不用罰款?證監負責監管的投行研究部門,完全沒有收入,那出問題又不用罰款呀?如果俗稱「炒房」的自營交易部門違規,但炒爆蝕大錢,又不用罰款呀?這樣說,怎樣也說不通吧。利潤不一定要用帳目利潤,可以用經濟利潤 (economic profit)。龔耀輝用利潤三倍來標籤FRC「無知、無心、無腦」,是否太重手了?
原載在 Education Post: 破龔耀輝及鄭中正的盲辯
龔及鄭二人,分別在《見棺材還未流眼淚》及《開天殺價 落地還錢》聲討「將來的fit and proper的登記要求」。曉以大義,動之以情,我差點兒被他們感動了,直至到我想起,fit and proper一直都是登記做會計師的基本要求。不信?公會的網站清楚寫明:Any person seeking the Institute's membership must satisfy the Institute that he or she is a fit and proper person to be a certified public accountant。
龔指諮詢是「無知、無心、無腦」。但做會計師最基本的要求都搞錯,不知道龔及鄭是「 無知」、「無心」還是「無腦」?其實,如果有心看諮詢文件,一定會看到FRC無意改變現有會計師公會的fit and proper標準(現有公會的標準在這裡)。因此,龔及鄭就反對登記的論據自然全部站不住腳。是龔及鄭是有心歪曲事實,還是沒有時間看文件,我就不知道了。
另外,龔又指「劵商的工作有明文規定,只要跟足字面要求,就可以守法安心。核數師做的工作,是根據一些虛無縹緲的指引,並按照自己判斷行事。」事實又是否如此簡單?不要忘記,證監負責監管企業融資活動及投資銀行。保薦人的盡職調查、招股書的質素等難道不是「根據一些虛無縹緲的指引,並按照自己判斷行事」?證監怎樣判斷劵商有沒有違規銷售,怎樣監管俗稱「炒房」的自營交易部門?龔耀輝曾任企業融資顧問,應該明白證監及港交所上市科如何根據指引及規則而作出服眾的判斷。Listing Decision及Takeovers Bulletin公開透明,引經據典,分析合理。就算當事人不服,亦不會在黑箱拖足10年。
Excuse me? 以前,做保薦人不另收費的投行比比皆是,用龔耀輝的邏輯,那違規是否不用罰款?證監負責監管的投行研究部門,完全沒有收入,那出問題又不用罰款呀?如果俗稱「炒房」的自營交易部門違規,但炒爆蝕大錢,又不用罰款呀?這樣說,怎樣也說不通吧。利潤不一定要用帳目利潤,可以用經濟利潤 (economic profit)。龔耀輝用利潤三倍來標籤FRC「無知、無心、無腦」,是否太重手了?
原載在 Education Post: 破龔耀輝及鄭中正的盲辯
上海地產案案情非常複雜,極具爭議性。該案判詞極長,上訴法官更多次用「痛苦」 (painstaking) 來形容案件的判詞的長度及案件的分析。當年,周正毅的上海地產在香港借殼上市。在買殼的交易中,公司發表了正式公告及綜合併購文件。當中的文件披露了新股東沒有具體的注資計劃 (no specific plans)。
【1】 上訴庭的判詞:http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=70436&currpage=T
【2】 終審判詞:http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=77301&currpage=T
原載在 Education Post: 上海地產案:周正毅不幸的謀臣
上海地產案案情非常複雜,極具爭議性。該案判詞極長,上訴法官更多次用「痛苦」 (painstaking) 來形容案件的判詞的長度及案件的分析。當年,周正毅的上海地產在香港借殼上市。在買殼的交易中,公司發表了正式公告及綜合併購文件。當中的文件披露了新股東沒有具體的注資計劃 (no specific plans)。
【1】 上訴庭的判詞:http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=70436&currpage=T
【2】 終審判詞:http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=77301&currpage=T
原載在 Education Post: 上海地產案:周正毅不幸的謀臣
我相信,雅虎的美國管理層及軟銀巴不得阿里巴巴可以立刻在美國上市,使合夥人們就會受到上市規則及條例監管,促使阿里巴巴公平合理地對待股東。若有不公及違反法例,公司、董事及合夥人們都有機會被美國集體訴訟機制控告。美國是雅虎的地頭,阿里巴巴肯定不會夠雅虎玩。所以,我認為香港一直是阿里巴巴的首選。即使阿里巴巴宣布在美國上市,亦放風聲只其沒有放棄香港。另一邊廂,雅虎的減持可以直接減低其影響力,這對馬雲來說非常重要。因此,我認為 馬雲不會想放棄2015年底前上市。我認為這是阿里巴巴不能再等香港交易所的主要原因。
市場原先預期港交所可以在2014年第一季初推出A/B股權的諮詢文件,但到現在只聞樓梯響,想必是問題複雜,前期工作耗時甚巨。就算港交所可以在年中前推出諮詢文件,沒有人知道市場的反應會如何 – 不過應該不會好到哪裡。另一方面,這樣具爭議的題目,諮詢期、撰寫諮詢結論及新例落實只會小心緩慢進行。拖個一年並不出奇。阿里巴巴這樣龐大的IPO,股票市場需要極好的氣氛及深度才能消化得下。現在聯儲局收水在即,難保明年的股票市場會持續平穩上揚。阿里巴巴及馬雲著急了,所以管不了那麼多,原先搞砸了的投資銀行及顧問繼續留任,A/B股也好,有集體訴訟機制也好,先上市再算。我預計招股書的風險披露,應該會很精彩,亦很期待。
An MBA is not for everyone
At times, I hear from people who say that many subjects taught at business schools are irrelevant to career advancement. The usual “culprits” are competitive strategy and strategic management, and the last person who aired such a complaint to me was actually my secretary. There are clearly some misperceptions here if students are not getting what they want despite spending a substantial sum for their courses. To see where the real problem lies, let me go back to the beginning.
The first master of business administration (MBA) degree was introduced by Harvard Business School in 1908, eight years after the first graduate school of business - the Tuck School of Business - was established at another Ivy League institution, Dartmouth College. The first MBA programme was heavily influenced by the management science of Frederick Winslow Taylor, who is generally considered the first management consultant and was a professor at Tuck. Even though Taylor died in 1915, we are still living in his shadow, since the structure and philosophy he established for business education has outlived his management science.
From the outset, MBA programmes have been designed to address the pressing issues faced by senior executives and their consultants. As the business world constantly changes, MBA programmes have adjusted correspondingly. Entrepreneurial education, e-commerce and emerging markets are now popular courses, but were little known in leading business schools two decades ago. So, even though MBA graduates will not become C-suite executives overnight, they do generally have the skills needed to join leading consulting firms and investment banks and to offer constructive advice to senior executives of Fortune 500 companies. They are in a position to work their way up and, in due course, become leaders with a mandate to effect change at boardroom level and beyond.
Exemplifying this, Harvard Business School has long been regarded as a training ground for future recruits of consultancy firm McKinsey. It is no coincidence that the case teaching method invented and made famous by Harvard closely resembles the typical approach to a consulting case or investment banking engagement. Subjects like competitive strategy and M&A (merger and acquisition) financing prepare students for such challenges and equip them with important skill sets which consultants and bankers may use on a daily basis. Such skills may not be as useful for managers of manufacturing firms or SMEs but, remember, the job of leading business schools is to design a modern MBA which caters to the likely vocational needs of the majority of their students.
The choice of MBA programmes is now wider than ever, so candidates should carefully consider the structure and content of available courses and select one which best suits their individual needs and ambitions. Investing in a programme which is not right for you – and having persistent doubts about - is not the way to go.
Originally published on Education Post.
The first master of business administration (MBA) degree was introduced by Harvard Business School in 1908, eight years after the first graduate school of business - the Tuck School of Business - was established at another Ivy League institution, Dartmouth College. The first MBA programme was heavily influenced by the management science of Frederick Winslow Taylor, who is generally considered the first management consultant and was a professor at Tuck. Even though Taylor died in 1915, we are still living in his shadow, since the structure and philosophy he established for business education has outlived his management science.
From the outset, MBA programmes have been designed to address the pressing issues faced by senior executives and their consultants. As the business world constantly changes, MBA programmes have adjusted correspondingly. Entrepreneurial education, e-commerce and emerging markets are now popular courses, but were little known in leading business schools two decades ago. So, even though MBA graduates will not become C-suite executives overnight, they do generally have the skills needed to join leading consulting firms and investment banks and to offer constructive advice to senior executives of Fortune 500 companies. They are in a position to work their way up and, in due course, become leaders with a mandate to effect change at boardroom level and beyond.
Exemplifying this, Harvard Business School has long been regarded as a training ground for future recruits of consultancy firm McKinsey. It is no coincidence that the case teaching method invented and made famous by Harvard closely resembles the typical approach to a consulting case or investment banking engagement. Subjects like competitive strategy and M&A (merger and acquisition) financing prepare students for such challenges and equip them with important skill sets which consultants and bankers may use on a daily basis. Such skills may not be as useful for managers of manufacturing firms or SMEs but, remember, the job of leading business schools is to design a modern MBA which caters to the likely vocational needs of the majority of their students.
The choice of MBA programmes is now wider than ever, so candidates should carefully consider the structure and content of available courses and select one which best suits their individual needs and ambitions. Investing in a programme which is not right for you – and having persistent doubts about - is not the way to go.
Originally published on Education Post.
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